Honorary Lawyer of the Moscow Region
Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Founder of the Lawyer's Office No. 848 of the Moscow Region Chamber of Lawyers, Honorary Lawyer of the Moscow Region Chamber of Lawyers, member of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia, member of the veteran organization of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Dynamo".
The lawyer's experience is 20 years, the experience of working in the Lawyer's office is 17 years, the experience of working in the legal specialty is 24 years. During his law practice, he sought acquittals in the courts of the Russian Federation, being a representative at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, was awarded the Badge "Honorary Lawyer of the APMO", has an Honorary Diploma of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, a Diploma of the Moscow Region Chamber of Lawyers "For success in human rights activities, loyalty to the professional duty and traditions of the Russian Bar", a Diploma "For active participation in public life of the Moscow Region Chamber of Lawyers".
Education: Participant of the Council of Europe HELP in Russian program (a project of strengthening the capacity of lawyers in the field of compliance with the admissibility criteria in complaints filed with the European Court of Human Rights), a seminar organized by the Council of Europe and the Center for Federal Relations and Regional Policy with the support of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation "Application of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms at the national level", Faculty of Law of Moscow State Industrial University.
Lawyers’ legal assistance
Lawyer’s assistance and consultations on the civic cases: inheritance, real estate, land issues and establishment of facts of legal significance. Conduct of civil cases, representation in the courts of Moscow region. Help in solution of land disputes and in matters of registration of titles on land lots, conduct of cases in the courts of Moscow region.
Defense of the suspect and accused persons in criminal offences on the following stages:
- investigation
- preliminary inquest
- examination
- court proceedings
- cassational scrutiny
- supervisory procedure
Explanation of basics of court proceedings in European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg, help in lodging a complaint and conduct of cases within jurisdiction of (European (Strasbourg) Court)
The book of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov - " Detachments of the NKVD. Gathering of volunteers at the Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park OMSBON. " ISBN 978-5-600-02868-5 Read more
I, an attorney Nabokov V.V. on March 10, 2016 received by the mail of Russia the notification from the Strasbourg Court that the Chairman of the Third Section of the ECHR Luis López Guerra, Spain, whom the complaint Kurashov v. Russia was given for consideration, decided to inform the Government of the Russian Federation about part of this complaint. Read more
The complaint to the decisions of the District (City, Town) Сourt has been called an appellate appeal since January 1, 2012, a complaint to sufficient violation of the norms of material…..procedural right is a cassation appeal, the petition to transgressions of disturbance of human rights and freedoms is supervisory appeal. The review proceedings is performed now by the Supreme Court of the RF Read more